Purchase Proforma

Purchase Proforma Invoice Teamogy allows to create Purchase Proforma Invoice issued by your Suppliers – Purchase Proforma Invoice is a request for advanced payment issued by Supplier. Proforma is a payment request. If you are paying a Proforma invoice, the...

Purchase Invoice

Purchase Invoice Teamogy allows you to enter Purchase Invoices issued by your Suppliers. A Purchase Invoice is a basic type of Invoice that we receive from Suppliers. Check the GIF below to see how to compose the Purchase Invoice. There are a few details that are...

Purchase Prepayment Invoice

Purchase Prepayment Invoice Teamogy allows entering a Purchase Prepayment Invoice from your supplier. Once you pay a Purchase Proforma Invoice, you can receive a Purchase Prepayment Invoice from your supplier. Check the GIF below to see how to create a Purchase...

Purchase Correction Invoice

Purchase Correction Invoice Teamogy allows entering a Purchase Correction Invoice from your supplier. A Purchase Correction Invoice is for instances when your Supplier sent you an invoice that needs to be corrected. Correction Invoice can be modified by entering only...