Change language

Change Language It is very simple to change the Language of the system. Each User have option to change the Language in Teamogy. 1. Click on your photo in User area in the top right corner of the screen. 2. Click on User settings. 3. Click on the option Change...

Font change

Font Change Teamogy allows you to change the font to a smaller or larger font size that will make your work with Teamogy more comfortable. 1. Click on your photo in User area in the top right corner of the screen. 2. Click on User settings. 3. Click on the option Font...

Ready to Going live

Ready to Going live This step is formal end of onboarding.  Client should be aware that all agreed services beeing delivered. System is set and ready for use and users knows how to work and maintain the system. Now is time to sign the handover with client and...

Going live with Teamogy

Going live with Teamogy Just wow! So fast and we are ready to launch Teamogy in the company. Now the real work starts, mainly for key people in company, to keep pushing people to work with the new tool. But as we know after 20 days it will become a natural part of...