Update your company information

Update your company information The company that works at Teamogy also has own details such as address, company ID, VAT ID, Bank account. These company information are shown in the system – for example in print versions of documents. Use this guide to change...

Adding users to other Agencies

Adding users into another Agency You have imported users already into the Teamogy. Now they are in the agency, where you imported them. The environment has more agencies and you would like to add the users also to the other agencies (for example to DEMO). Follow these...

Basic settings in new environment

Basic settings in new Environment We have already prepared a new environment for the Client. Now we have to setup the environment. Every country has different VAT rate and other settings. Click here to find the country-specific settings. Find the client’s...

Register Import

Import Register We need tools to do the agenda more faster. Import is one of these tools. When the environment is new, we need to set many settings here. That’s the reason why there is an register import. You just need to follow these steps to do it successfully: 1....

Creation of the Clan

Creation of the Clan If you want to prepare new environment for the client, you have to create the new clan. Follow this guide. 1. Log in into the aio pro environment here. 2. Behind agency id in the address bar type /createclan Now you have to complete the following...

Modification of Client seleciton in Jobs

Modification of Client selection in Job We have a search of Companies in the job, which are usually your clients. Let’s show you, how to setup this search, how you want.  1. In the left navigation menu, unroll Configuration. 2. Click on Register. 3. Into the...