Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

Data Box

Data Box Integration (Beta) What this can be useful for?Teamogy can be integrated with your company's Data box, allowing you to download incoming and outgoing data messages directly into Teamogy according to the set rules. Downloaded data messages are stored in...

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Tasks From Predefined Templates

Tasks From Predefined TemplatesWhat can this be useful for? You can quickly create groups of predefined tasks for projects directly from a template. With just one click, you can generate multiple tasks, complete them with descriptions, assign with persons, and more....

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Notifications In TeamogyStay on track with Teamogy notifications. - easy central setting of default notification behaviour- simply customizable what and where to notify- support for native notifications in MacOS and Windows (for browser, even when browser is turned...

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Recurring Tasks

Recurring TasksWhat can this be useful for? You can easily create recurring tasks (subtasks) from a single job (job or task) within a given time frame. This method is suitable for activities where the task is to be repeated periodically (e.g. social media management...

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Extra Holiday Entitlements

Extra Holiday EntitlementsThis feature allows you to set and manage extra free hours for your team members.Where and How to set it up? In the Configuration section (1) or HR section (1) / Additional settings (2) - Extra holiday entitlements (3). Press "Extra holiday...

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Marco BBN uses Teamogy daily for a real-time overview of the agency.
Marco BBN uses Teamogy daily for a real-time overview of the agency.

This year marks 30 years since the brothers Pavel and Petr Marek founded the Marco BBN agency, a relatively unique agency on the Czech market, as its specializations include, among other things, B2B marketing, which has many specifics.

We talked to one of the agency’s founders and its Managing Director Pavel Marek about marketing know-how for B2B clients, interesting case studies, and how membership in the BBN network or the daily use of the Teamogy system helps the agency. And we looked a bit into the near future.

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