Set of dimensions and other advanced features

Client may start with Teamogy immediately without more advanced set up. However for some clients might be interesting to set up some advanced features. Especialy various dimensions how to sort or categorise data in system. Or some additional fields or different permissions. If client requested some of these feautres to be activated, now is time to set them up.



Are usefull in case of need to “force” users who are creating various records to choose from the predefined list of categories. It may help the client to browse the data or see reports based on the category of entries. Categories are mostly activated for following entries.

  • Jobs (link for description and set up manual is here)
  • Time tracks (link for description and set up manual is here)
  • Overheads (link for description and set up manual is here)
  • Invoices (link for description and set up manual is here)

Divisions & Departments

Larger companies with more people and various departments or divisions might see as usefull to separate data created by various users. It is possible to activate this option, so each user might belongs to some department, so the data of user than belongs to the related department/division.

More about this topic and how to work with it is described here



Many jobs what client servicing may be part of larger projects. For example launch of new product may cosist from 5 separated jobs. To keep under control and see clearly what is current status might be usefull to use feature of Binders. They may be created and each job might be add into this binder. Reports and filters than in Teamogy may show only that what belongs to selected binder.  

More about this topic and how to work with it is described here

Modification of statuses

Teamogy with its basic set of statuses for jobs, tasks, documents is ready to be used, but in some cases client wants to add or remove any status to have better control or to stick with thier own workflow much better. It is possible to do in Teamogy. 

Statuses are mostly modified for following entries:

  • Jobs (default statuses are: Waiting, Open, Done, Closed, Canceled)
  • Tasks (default statuses are: Waiting, Open, Processing, Done, Closed, Canceled)
  • Documents (specific ones) (default statuses for Quotation document are: Processing, Approved, Canceled)

More about this topic and how to work with it is described here


Document content / predefined texts 

Teamogy basic document is already set. Logo is in the document header on all prinouts, but is a good habit if client add into the important documents, such a quotation or purchase orders the “legal” texts and conditions what makes his business safe and transparent. It is possible to predefine text what will be loaded once users will use this document. 

More about this topic and how to work with it is described here 

Job items feature 

Most of clients wants to see the job result and profitability. Some client who are dealing with larger jobs especially see as a benefit the option of Job items. This feature may allow users to create job and also its set of items. Each item might have own estimate of billings, costs and hours needed for work. Than all the financial revenues or costs and also time track might be related not only to job but also with the specific job item.

More about this topic and how to work with it is described here 


 Tasks and Subtasks

Assigning tasks is for some clients new activity so it is enough to create task for specific jobs or overheads to take under control who is doing what in company. But clients who is using tasks in some other tool might have a need to activate also subtasks. It will enable to have much more detailed structure of the tasks. 

More about this topic and how to work with it is described here