Client introduction to Teamogy

Key people and users form client side should be known by Onboarding manager before the first real meeting of implementation starts. Onboarding manager should get those information from Sales representative of Teamogy.

Number of units and name of business legal units should be known as well before the start.
(all the information above should be saved in the Teamogy job entry, created by salesman/consultant of Teamogy)

When the client is ready to start with implementation, the introduction of the Teamogy onboarding representative is taking in place.

Suggested introduction email is here:   

Hello XXXX, based on your decision to implement Teamogy in your company, let me introduce you Teamogy representative who will guide you througouht the whole onboarding. Your personal Onboarding manager is my great colleague OGY, who has plenty of experience with implementations of systems into various companies. I am sure that your company will be in good hands. Ogy will contact you in following days or hours and will start the Onboarding. All details we agreed on, I allready handover to Ogy, so you can start soon. Whenever you will need my assistance or you want to talk with me, just mail me or call me. For time being I wish you a succesfull Onboarding.

Regards, Petr 

This email is introduction of onboarding manager to Client. From this moment the preparing phase is almost finished.