What’s new in Teamogy 2.2

Release date: 2019-04-13


  • Currency rates can be downloaded from national banks – Czech National Bank, Polish National Bank and European Central Bank
  • More information displayed in visual Time recorder in each Time record – task number, job number, job name, client name and brand
  • Improved way how to remove / move rows in edit tables – Quotation, Purchase Order, Sales and Supplier invoice
  • New information about date of document creation in tab History
  • A lot design improvements in mobile version
Bug fixes
  • Troubles with access rights in Tasks and other minor improvements in tasks – FIXED
  • Manual entry of currency rate is slow – FIXED
  • Proper display of National holidays in Task planner – FIXED


Improvement details


1. Currency rates can be downloaded from national banks – Czech National Bank, Polish National Bank and European Central Bank.

Some companies can download currency rates from their national banks directly. The others still can use reliable and proven services of https://openexchangerates.org/ which is also integrated with Teamogy.

2. More information displayed in visual Time recorder in each Time record – task number, job number, job name, client name and brand

Now you can see the full information about Time record in visual Time recorder. We have added information about Task (if Time record is reported on Task) and also Job details – Job number and Job name.

3. Improved way how to remove / move rows in edit tables – Quotation, Purchase Order, Sales and Supplier invoice

We have improved removing and moving items inside the table. You can easily remove/move items and the focus still stays on the proper line so you see which line you are just changing. Also, moving / removing is now much faster and fluent.

4. New information about date of document creation in tab History

Every record in Teamogy now includes the date of creation – see tab History.

5. A lot design improvements in mobile version

A lot of design improvements have been made to mobile version of Teamogy.