Create a Sub-task

1. Open the Task for which you want to create a Sub-task.

2. Click on Sub-task.

3. Complete all Mandatory details (can be different, depends on company’s settings).

4. Press SAVE.

Below we describe the Sub-tasks and their values in the main Task.

PART 1: Here you can see all of your created sub-task including Sub-task’s number, allocation, recorded hours, Assignee, status, as well as start and end of Sub-task.

PART 2: This is the sidebar of your Task. You can see both the overall Task allocation and the individual allocation of Sub-tasks including already reported hours. The first progress bar shows the overall allocation of the whole Task – it’s the sum of the main task and individual Sub-tasks allocations and reported hours. Other progress bars shows the progress of main Task and individual Sub-tasks separately.

[Sub-task’s allocation reduce the allocation of the main Task. For more detailed information click here.]

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