About Time Recorder

The Time Recorder is a visual tool for simple time recording and an overview of all recorded hours in daily, weekly, or monthly mode. It displays all recorded hours of the selected user in a selected time period.

Empty columns with a yellow border (1) indicate the estimated working time of the selected user (this can be set in the system configuration – see tips & tricks).

Filled brown and grey boxes (2) represent Time record of the Job, Task, or Client/Internal overhead. Time records that are reported on Job or Task are visible as brown column. Time records that are reported on Client/Internal overhead are visible as grey column. Time record contains information about time, Task number, Job number, Job name, client name, and brand. One box is one Time Record. The size of the Time Record is determined by its duration.

Every user can clearly see how many hours he/she reported each day and how many hours are still required to achieve the expected working time.

Tips & Tricks 

There are following possible values of recorder time: 150 = 2h 30m, 2.5 = 2h 30m, 2,5 = 2h 30m, 2h = 2:00, 150m = 2h 30m

Get in Touch

If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use online chat (inside Teamogy or everywhere on www.Teamogy.com in the lower right corner) and you will get prompt reply.
