Common settings

In the section Common Settings, you will find the most common configuration of Teamogy related to the configuration of the system logo, letterhead, as well as fonts and personal name order.

Let’s take a closer look:

1. Logo for headed paper

2. Logo for light screen

3. Logo for dark screen

4. Font – Google fonts

5. Personal names order

1. Logo of headed paper

This logo will appear in every print document, that was created from Teamogy.

1. Upload the photo of the logo for print. (We recommend using vector .SVG format logos with a transparent background for perfect display and print output.)

2. Press SAVE button.

Once the logo is saved, you can print any document with the set logo.

2. Logo for light screen

This logo will appear in the upper left corner of the screen to users with a light color theme.

1. Upload the photo of the logo for light screen. (We recommend using vector .SVG format logos with a transparent background for perfect display)

2. Press SAVE button.

Once the logo is saved, you can see the logo, once you will have an active light color theme of Teamogy.

3. Logo for dark screen

This logo will appear in the upper left corner of the screen to users with a dark color theme.

1. Upload the photo of the logo for dark screen. (We recommend using vector .SVG format logos with a transparent background for perfect display)

2. Press SAVE button.

Once the logo is saved, you can see the logo, once you will have an active dark color theme of Teamogy.

4. Font – Google fonts

This font will be used for all print outputs and PDF.

Some of the fonts (but not all) in the Google Font Directory support multiple subsets (like Extended Latin, Cyrillic, Greek or Chinese for example). If you need such characters, do not forget to check if your font contain required subset. When choosing a font, always make sure on font page (see link above) that the requested font has all the letters used in your language!

5. Personal names order

Names in this order appear in the selection lists for easier orientation. The order First name Last name will always be used for print and PDF output, regardless of this setting.

Get in Touch

If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use online chat (inside Teamogy or everywhere on in the lower right corner) and you will get prompt reply.
