
Each Teamogy user belongs to certain groups. These groups affect what rights the user has in the system. What views he sees, what he can modify in them, what actions he can perform in the system, etc. So our groups are actually what determines rights in Teamogy.

In default, when the user is not in any group, he can just create actions, but the user can see only the Time record (My Timesheet and Time Recorder), Absence, Tasks (only the user’s tasks) and Documents (My documents) and own Jobs. Browsers are enabled to see the view ALL in the modules. and then it depens on their rights, but in default they can see the documents of their subordinates.. It means that they are selected as managers in users’ settings.

Note: In the table, there are the default groups and the settings are always different from the client’s requirements.

Group name Group type Group description
Absence approver PROCESS the user, who is responsible for final approving of Absence
Absence browser PROCESS the user who can browse absences
Accountant ROLE the user, who can edit all Contacts, can see all Cashbox’s documents, can see all Internal documents & Invoices (Purchase & Sales), can see Jobs & Overheads (Client and Internal). Accountant is also responsible for approving financial documents (Cashbox & Invoices).
Attendance editor SYSTEM the user who can edit attendance records
Bulk editor SYSTEM the user, who can make bulk changes. For example: Bulk marking invoice payments
Bulk editor external status SYSTEM the user who can perform bulk changes on external status
Bulk editor payment mark SYSTEM the user who can perform bulk changes on payment mark
Business report browser SYSTEM the users who can browse BUSINESS reports
Cashbox approver PROCESS the user, who can approve operations in Cashbox
Cashbox browser SYSTEM the user, who can see Cashbox module and see the documents to which the user has the rights
Cashbox manager ROLE the user, who can does the actions in Cashbox and can see all documents in the Cashbox
Client overhead browser SYSTEM the user, who can see Client overhead module, can see the Overhead’s to which the user has the rights and can creates the new ones
Configurator SYSTEM the user, who can see the module Configuration. There is only view Register
Contact browser SYSTEM the user, who can see the module Contacts and can see all contacts. Contact browser can edit the contacts of his subordinates
Contact editor SYSTEM the user, who can edit all the Contacts in the Company module. If you are not in the group Contact browser, you will not see the module Contacts!
Contact reader SYSTEM the user who can read contacts
Data exporter SYSTEM the user, who exports all the data
Data exporter contacts SYSTEM the user, who exports Contacts
Data exporter invoices SYSTEM the user, who exports Invoices
Data exporter jobs SYSTEM the user, who exports Jobs
Data exporter reports SYSTEM the user, who exports Reports
Data exporter tasks SYSTEM the user, who exports Tasks
Data exporter timesheets SYSTEM the user, who exports Timesheets
Document browser SYSTEM the user, who can see the view All documents and can see documents to which the user has the rights and can edit them
Finance GROUP the user, who can edit all Contacts, can see all Cashbox’s documents, can see all Internal documents & Invoices (Purchase & Sales), can see Jobs & Overheads (Client and Internal). This role enables the whole financial module.
Finance supervisor ROLE the user, who can edit Contacts, edit every document in the Cashbox, edit all Financial documents. He can edit the documents, despite the fact, that process set the status EDIT:DISABLED. This role enables the whole financial module
Internal document browser SYSTEM the user, who can see Internal documents module in the Finance part of the system, but he can see only documents that the user created and the documents to which the user has the rights
Internal overhead browser SYSTEM the user, who can see Internal overheads module in the Finance part of the system, but he can see only overheads that the user created and the documents to which the user has the rights
Job approver PROCESS the user, who approves Jobs
Job browser SYSTEM the user, who can see all Jobs view, where he can see the own Jobs and the Jobs to which the user has the rights
Job supervisor ROLE the user, who can see all the Jobs (need to be added in Job Browser to see All jobs in the Job list.)
Labor costs browser SYSTEM the user, who can see the column Labor costs in the Job overview and Reports
Management GROUP the user, who can see everything in the system, but can’t edit it and in some cases it’s possible to remove this group from the access rights
Own job report browser SYSTEM the user, who can see the Report of own jobs
Purchase invoice approver PROCESS the user, who approves Purchase invoices
Purchase invoice browser SYSTEM the user, who can see view Purchase invoice, the user can see the invoices the user created and invoices to which the user has the rights
Purchase order approver PROCESS the user, who approves Purchase orders
Report browser SYSTEM the user, who can see all Reports in the system including data
Sales invoice approver PROCESS the user, who approves Sales invoices
Sales invoice browser SYSTEM the user, who can see view Sales invoice, the user can see the invoices the user created and invoices to which the user has the rights
Sales invoice sender PROCESS the user, who is responsible for the sending Sales invoice to the client
Sales quotation approver PROCESS the user, who approves the Quotations
Supervisor ROLE the user, who can see and edit everything in the system, except Configuration. He can edit the documents, despite the fact, that process set the status EDIT:DISABLED.
Task browser SYSTEM the user, who can see the view All tasks, where he can see own tasks and tasks which the user has the rights
Timesheet browser SYSTEM the user, who can see all Timesheets in the system
User configurator SYSTEM the user, who can modify Users and add Groups
Users SYSTEM the group of Users in the company

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